District Registration and Fees

School districts (hereafter, District) are required to register all individuals for the NJL2L Program who are newly hired into positions that require principal certification (i.e. principal, vice/assistant principal, director, assistant director). These individuals must hold a Certificate of Eligibility for Principal and must complete the State-required two-year Residency for Standard Principal Certification.

The hiring District must register each new school leader online at www.NJL2L.org and complete all required information in order for the online registration to be submitted. The District is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of all information. Upon submission, confirmation notice and a copy of the online District Registration Form are sent electronically to: (1) the District employee who submitted the District Registration Form to confirm receipt of registration and accuracy of all information; (2) the new school leader who was registered (hereafter, Resident) to confirm receipt of registration and check accuracy of all information; (3) the New Jersey Department of Education (hereafter, NJDOE) for notification of District registration; and (4) the Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA)/NJ-L2L Program (hereafter, NJ-L2L) to begin the pairing process for Residents and mentors. NOTE: An Invoice for the Year 1 Registration Fee ($850) is also sent to the Resident and the District with their electronic confirmation of receipt of the District Registration Form requesting full payment to FEA within 30 days.

• The District and Residents may download a copy of the State’s Mentoring and Supporting New School Leaders in New Jersey: A Guidebook for Standard Principal Certification (NJDOE, 2005), which provides important information related to the State’s regulations for Standard Principal Certification and the requirements for the Residency.

• The official start date for the Residency begins on the date stamped on their provisional certificate, subject to receipt of all required documents, full payment for the Year 1 registration fee, and attendance by the Resident at the required Resident Orientation. Year 2 fees ($1,500) are paid to the mentor by the end of 12 months of the Year 1 Residency, and $1,000 to the mentor after 24 months. The registration fee for 12-month out-of-state certified Residents is $400. Registration fees include the mentor stipend, all Residency materials, and all administrative costs. Registration does not include the mentor stipend. Mentor fees are paid directly to the mentor by the resident.

Residents or their districts are responsible for payment of NJ-L2L registration fees in accordance with district policies and contracts. Payment in full for Year 1 must be made by the Resident or district by personal check/money order or purchase order (payable to FEA), or by credit card. The form for credit card payment may be downloaded from www.NJL2L.org and given to the mentor for submission with required documents.

NOTE: Individuals who hold out-of-state principal certification but do not hold the required master’s degree will be eligible for New Jersey principal certification upon presenting official documentation of a master’s degree in any area, five years of successful full-time experience as a principal or assistant principal under the out-of-state principal certificate, an offer of employment in a position that requires principal certification. These individuals must complete a 12-month mentor-directed Residency completed under provisional certification. The State’s professional development requirement is waived during their 12-month Residency. The resident will follow the requirements for year 2 of the NJL2L residency.


Beginning the Residency

• All NJ-L2L Mentors must complete a 3-day new mentor training program before being paired with a Resident, which is followed by a required fourth day of mentor training approximately nine months after completion of the initial 3-day training program. Mentor Training Days 1-3 introduce mentors to the State’s requirements for the Residency and trains them in a research-based mentoring process that focuses on developing a supportive mentoring relationship that effectively addresses the needs of new school leaders. 

• Following District registration, NJ-L2L will contact trained mentors to pair with each Resident. The pairing is based on criteria that best matches each mentor’s professional and administrative experience with the particular circumstances of each Resident’s position, for example: school type (i.e. elementary, middle, high school); community type (i.e. urban, suburban, rural); district Director position (i.e. special education, curriculum and instruction); and unique requirements of the specific position. NJ-L2L will contact the mentor, Resident, and District Contact Person to confirm the pairing of the mentor and Resident, and to provide relevant information to begin the Residency.

• Within two weeks of notification of pairing with their Residents, mentors are required to arrange an initial meeting with their Residents and District Contact Persons to complete all four State-required documents and obtain required signatures. Mentors will download each of the required documents as needed from www.NJL2L.org. A copy of the Resident’s resume is also required. NOTE: The Residency Plan should be completed for BOTH Year 1 and Year 2. The District and Residents should retain copies of all documents for their records. The initial meeting between the mentor and Resident also provides an opportunity for them to determine if their pairing together appears to be suitable. If there are any concerns, either may request a pairing with a different mentor.

The Residency will begin following the Resident’s payment of the Year 1 Registration Fee and attendance at the required NJ-L2L Resident Orientation, and the Mentor’s submission of the Resident’s resume and the following four State-required documents with original signatures to FEA/NJ-L2L (Attn: Ilsa Abbott): (1) Statement of Assurance; (2) Standard Residency Agreement; (3) Residency Plan; and (4) Memorandum of Understanding. All four documents and the Resident’s resume should be submitted by the mentor at the same time in order to facilitate the process. Forms and payment for registration fees should not be sent separately. Residents and mentors should make copies for their files.

• All documents and check/money orders are forwarded to NJ-L2L by the mentor within two (2) weeks of the initial meeting. NJ-L2L transmits original signed documents to the NJDOE and maintains copies in a file for each Resident. If payment is being made by credit card, the mentor should obtain the completed NJ-L2L credit card payment form from the Resident for submission to NJ-L2L with all State-required forms. The credit card form may be downloaded from www.NJL2L.org. NOTE: The Residency will not begin until all required forms and payment of registration fees are submitted to NJ-L2L.

• The NJDOE issues the two-year Provisional Certification and notifies Districts and Residents within 45 days following receipt of all State-required documents.

• Establishment of a District Advisory Panel (DAP) in each school district is a State requirement. Ideally, two district administrators will be named to the DAP, which is intended to provide additional support to the Resident. Individuals named to the DAP should be principals and district administrators who can contribute to providing the support needed by the Resident. Human resources department administrators may also serve on the DAP. The DAP should not include supervisors or teachers, or an administrator who is the primary evaluator for the Resident. Smaller districts may not have 2-3 principals and district administrators and, therefore, may have only one or two persons serve on the DAP.

• NOTE: The State professional development requirement for school leaders is waived for new school leaders participating in the two-year Residency and will be in effect for year 3 of their employment.


Year 1 Residency

Getting Started

• NJL2L conducts ongoing Resident Orientations. Residents are required to attend the Resident Orientation to obtain important information regarding State requirements for the Residency. Monthly orientations are scheduled on a weeknight from 5:30-7:30 pm at NJPSA, and at regional sites if sufficient numbers of Residents in a given region warrants it.

• Residents are also required to complete online NJL2L Pre/Self-Assessments, which are aligned with the NJ Professional Standards for School Leaders and national Technology Standards for School Administrators (TSSA). All Residents will complete their pre/self-assessments on www.NJL2L.org. Log-in names and passwords are located on the NJ-L2L confirmation email that is sent to each Resident following their district’s registration for NJL2L. Residents are required to review their Pre/Self-Assessments with their Mentors to identify two to three professional growth targets for each State Standard, which will be used to inform professional growth planning for Residents as they move through the Residency. The Pre/Self-Assessment also establishes a baseline for the Resident to determine his/her professional growth at the end of the Year 2 Residency by comparison to a Post/Self-Assessment that will be taken at that time. In order to conduct this review with their mentors, Residents should save and examine their individual item responses for their self-assessments by printing out each screen as they take their assessments, or by printing out the self-assessment forms located on www.NJL2L.org (Click on “Download Required Forms” (Section 7).

• NOTE: Residents who have completed FEA’s NJ EXCEL Program and the NJ EXCEL Post/Self-Assessments within one year of beginning their Residency have the option to take the NJ-L2L Self-Assessment or use their NJ EXCEL Post/Self-Assessment.


Year 1 Explorations

• The Year 1 Residency consists of eight job-embedded “Explorations into School Leadership Practice” that are aligned with the NJ Professional Standards for School Leaders and completed by Residents under the guidance of their mentors.

• The Explorations are designed as guided inquiries that are intended to provide Residents with a deep understanding of: (1) the NJ Professional Standards for School Leaders and their implications for effective school leadership practice; (2) their leadership knowledge, skills and personal dispositions as indicated by the NJ Professional Standards for School Leaders, and the implications for their continuing professional growth and effectiveness as school leaders; (3) their district/school vision and goals for student learning, policies, programs, and needs related to the continuous improvement of schools, teaching and academic achievement for all students; (4) the broader context in which they must function as school leaders, including federal and State regulations and the unique expectations and needs of their school, district and community-at-large; and (5) the internal and external forces that impact the teaching and learning process in their districts/schools, the specific barriers to effective teaching and learning, and the school leadership practices that have the potential to overcome these barriers and improve academic achievement for all students.

• Residents maintain an NJ-L2L Year 1 Residency Explorations and Activity Log, which includes a series of focus questions designed to guide Residents in each Exploration and stimulate discussion with their mentors. These “Guiding Questions” are designed to stimulate inquiry and activities leading to findings and conclusions regarding barriers to effective teaching and student learning in their districts/schools, determine possible actions by the Resident to address these barriers, and provide insights into their personal needs for continuing professional development.

• Residents provide evidence of the impact of their actions on their professional growth, and on the identified barriers to improving their districts/schools and student achievement to their mentors. Many of the activities within each Exploration will likely be linked to activities in other Explorations. As a result, the Resident will develop an understanding of the connectedness of the NJ Professional Standards for School Leaders and the interrelationship and interdependence of the conditions that impact student learning within his/her district, school and community-at-large.

• NOTE: If approved for a one year Residency, Residents will follow an adapted program of the required two-year Residency experiences, which will be aligned with the process prescribed under the new regulations. Residents will complete all Year 2 Residency requirements, identify 2-3 barriers to teaching and learning, and related professional development goals by the end of Year 1 in preparation for development of their State-required Professional Growth Plan in Year 2. Residents will maintain a Leadership Portfolio and Peer Support Group Reflection Logs as required. Mentors will complete Formative Assessments at the end of 3 and 6 months, and a Summative Assessment at the end of 12 months. 



• Mentors play a key role in guiding and supporting Residents as they plan and conduct each Year 1 Exploration. Mentors may expand the Guiding Questions for each Exploration by developing additional questions and probes that further guide Residents into deeper levels of inquiry in the unique contexts of their districts/schools, and/or stimulate questions and probes through discussions with Residents that may evolve as they engage in their Explorations.

• Mentors provide continual feedback in a trusting and supportive relationship that focuses on enhancing the Residents’ readiness for the challenges of their school leader positions, and supporting their continuing professional growth to meet the State’s Standards for the knowledge, skills and personal dispositions required for effective school leadership.

• Mentors maintain an NJ-L2L Mentor Guide and Log, which includes the Guiding Questions for each Exploration and provides a record of: (1) State-required formative and summative assessments; (2) dates of conferences, on-site visits, and other relevant activities; (3) assessment methods (i.e. observations, document reviews) used by Mentors to obtain and examine evidence of Residents’ progress and completion of required Year 1 Explorations; and (4) feedback provided to Residents related to their preparation and readiness to address their new school leader responsibilities, and the implications for their continuing professional growth.

• Mentors meet with their Residents a minimum of forty-five hours during the Year 1 Residency, which includes one-on-one conferences, on-site visitations and observations, and Peer Support Group meetings. It is expected that Mentor-Resident communication will be ongoing as needed via telephone and email. NOTE: Mentor-Resident contact will occur as needed and at the discretion of the mentor and Resident during summer months and at other times when schools are not in session.

• Both Resident and Mentors will complete an Interim Self-Reflection at approximately six months into the Year 1 Residency. The purpose of the six-month Mentor and Resident Self-Reflections is to stimulate reflection on the part of the mentor regarding his/her role, responsibilities, and personal behaviors in developing a positive, supportive, and productive relationship with his/her resident. Mentors and Residents may discuss their self-reflections together or incorporate it into a Peer Support Group activity.


Peer Support Groups

• Peer Support Groups are organized within regions/counties across the State to enable Residents from various districts to meet with other Residents and engage in discussions related to their Residency and job-related experiences as new school leaders. Peer Support Group meetings provide a “team mentoring” approach that capitalizes on the range and depth of experience and expertise of the mentors, who will organize and facilitate the Peer Support Group meetings. An NJL2L Regional Coordinator is available to assist mentors in organizing and coordinating Peer Support Groups, and to provide support for mentors as needed.

• Peer Support Groups meet on a regular basis during Year 1 and Year 2 of the Residency for a minimum of 10 hours each year.

• Residents complete individual Peer Support Group Reflections following each meeting to stimulate personal reflection on discussions with their peers and mentors, their continuing professional growth, and implications for their school leadership practice.

• Peer Support Groups also engage in ongoing communication and online discussions throughout the Residency.


Leadership Portfolios

• Each Resident will develop and maintain a Leadership Portfolio during the two-year Residency. The Leadership Portfolio will be used to systematically collect and organize evidence of Residents’ progress toward and completion of required Residency experiences, and their continuing professional growth.

• The Leadership Portfolio will be organized to include categories for each of the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders to ensure that evidence is collected for each State Standard.

• Leadership Portfolios will be reviewed on a regular basis by Mentors, who are required to examine the evidence provided by Residents related to progress toward and completion of Year 1 and Year 2 Residency requirements. 


Year 1 Formative Assessment of Residents

• In accordance with State requirements, mentors complete two Formative Assessment Reports for each Resident during the Year 1 Residency (at the end of five and 10 months). Formative Assessment Reports are based on the mentor’s ongoing observations, formal conferences and interactions with the Resident throughout the Year 1 Residency, and the mentor’s review of evidence related to the Resident’s: (1) progress toward, completion, and impact of the Year 1 Explorations into School Leadership Practice; (2) demonstration of essential leadership knowledge, skills and personal dispositions for effective school leadership practice, as indicated by the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders; and (3) professional growth in the leadership knowledge, skills and personal dispositions, as indicated by the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders.

• The mentor holds a formal conference with the Resident to review each Formative Assessment Report and provide feedback related to his/her continuing professional growth and progress in meeting Residency requirements.

• The signed original of the Formative Assessment Report is submitted by the mentor to the NJL2L Program Coordinator within two weeks of each formative assessment period. NJ-L2L transmits all Formative Assessment Reports with original signatures to the NJDOE. A copy of all Formative Assessment Reports are retained by NJ-L2L in the Resident’s file. Residents keep a copy for their records.

• NOTE: All assessments and interactions between the Mentor and Resident are CONFIDENTIAL. Formative Assessment Reports will not be provided to the Resident’s school district or any agency or individual without the written request and consent of the Resident. 


Planning for the Year 2 Residency

• As the Resident engages in the Year 1 Explorations under the guidance of his/her mentor, identification of areas for continuing professional growth and barriers to effective teaching and student learning in his/her district/school will evolve and form the basis for further development of the Year 2 Residency Plan.

• At the end of Year 1, following the second Formative Assessment by the mentor, the Resident revisits and expands his/her Year 2 Residency Plan in consultation with his/her mentor.

• The Year 2 Residency Plan focuses on development of a job-embedded Action Research Project and specific actions planned by the Resident to: (1) address at least two barriers to effective teaching and student learning in his/her district/school that were identified in the Year 1 Explorations; (2) participate in professional development activities that address his/her professional growth targets and support actions planned by the Resident to address identified barriers to effective teaching and learning in his/her district/school; and (3) planning for Year 3, following the Residency, when the Resident will be required to meet the State’s professional development requirements for all school leaders.


Action Research Project Proposal

• By the end of Year 1, the Resident submits the required Action Research Project Proposal to his/her mentor for review, feedback, and approval.

• The Resident may only begin his/her Action Research Project following approval of his/her mentor.

• The Action Research Project is expected to be completed prior to the Summative Assessment at the end of 19 months of Year 2 of the Residency. 


Year 1 NJL2L Formative Program Evaluation

• All Residents and Mentors are required to complete an online NJ-L2L Year 1 Program Evaluation at the end of Year 1, which will provide data related to NJL2L program design and implementation to inform continuous program improvement. A sampling of participating Districts will also be included in the annual program evaluation.


Year 2 Residency

Implementing the Year 2 Residency Plan

• Under the guidance of the mentor, the Resident implements his/her Year 2 Residency Plan, which focuses on : (1) development and implementation of a job-embedded Action Research Project and actions planned by the Resident to address barriers to effective teaching and student learning in his/her district/school that were identified during the Year 1 Explorations; and (2) participation in professional development activities that address his/her professional growth targets and support actions planned by the Resident to address the identified barriers to teaching and student learning.

Year 2 Job-Embedded Action Research Project

• The job-embedded Action Research Project is planned and developed by the Resident under the guidance of his/her mentor, and will address the barriers to effective teaching and student learning in the Resident’s district/school that he/she identified during the Year 1 Explorations.

• The project is planned, developed, implemented and evaluated by the Resident so that it may be used as evidence to demonstrate that State requirements for the Year 2 Residency were met, and that actions he/she has taken have effectively addressed the identified barriers to teaching and student learning and enhanced his/her professional growth.

• The mentor is responsible for assessing the Action Research Project using the NJ-L2L Action Research Rubric, and will provide feedback to the Resident.

• Residents share their Action Research Projects in a PowerPoint presentation to their Peer Support Groups at the end of the Year 2 Residency.


Year 2 Formative Assessment of Residents

• In accordance with State requirements, Mentors complete one Formative Assessment Report during the Year 2 Residency (at the end of 15 months) for each Resident. The Formative Assessment Report is based on the mentor’s ongoing observations, formal conferences and interactions with the Resident during the Year 2 Residency, and the mentor’s review of evidence related to the Resident’s: (1) progress toward and/or completion of the job-embedded Action Research Project during the Year 2 Residency; (2) demonstration of essential leadership knowledge, skills and personal dispositions for effective school leadership practice, as indicated by the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders; and (3) professional growth in the leadership knowledge, skills and personal dispositions, as indicated by the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders.

• The mentor holds a conference with the Resident to review the Formative Assessment Report, and to provide feedback for continuing professional growth.

• NOTE: All assessments and interactions between the mentor and Resident are CONFIDENTIAL. Formative Assessment Reports will not be provided to the Resident’s school district or any agency or individual without the written request and consent of the Resident.

Year 2 Post/Self-Assessment

• Prior to the mentor’s Year 2 Summative Assessment at the end of 24 months, each Resident completes an online NJL2L Post/Self-Assessment to determine his/her professional growth during the two-year Residency as measured by a comparison to the Pre/Self-Assessment completed at the beginning of the Year 1 Residency.

• This information will be used as a basis for discussion with the mentor for the Summative Assessment, and will inform the Resident in development of his/her State-required Professional Growth Plan (PGP) for Year 3.

Year 2 Summative Assessment of Residents

• Mentors complete a Summative Assessment Report at the end of 24 months, which includes the mentor’s: (1) verification of the Resident’s completion of all Year 1 and Year 2 Residency requirements; (2) assessment of the Resident’s job-embedded Action Research Project; (3) assessment of the Resident’s professional growth during the Year 1 and Year 2 Residency; and (4) recommendation for Standard Principal Certification.



• Mentors are required to use the State-approved “Resident Assessment Rubric” and “Resident Assessment Criteria Chart” in the document entitled “Mentor Recommendation for Standard Principal Certification” as a basis for their Summative Assessment Report and recommendation for Standard Principal Certification.

• The Mentor will hold a conference with the Resident to review the draft of the Summative Assessment Report, the completed Resident Assessment Criteria Chart and recommendation for Standard Principal Certification, and to provide feedback for continuing professional growth. Following this conference, the draft of the Summative Assessment Report will be shared electronically with the Resident for his/her review and comments. The Resident will return the Summative Assessment Report electronically to the Mentor who may modify the draft as he/she deems appropriate. A copy of the final Summative Assessment Report will be provided to the Resident for inclusion in his/her Leadership Portfolio.

• The signed original of the final Summative Assessment Report will be submitted by the Mentor to the NJ-L2L Program Coordinator within two weeks of the required Mentor/Resident Conference. NOTE: The following documents MUST be attached to the final Summative Assessment Report: (1) Resident Assessment Criteria Chart; (2) Action Research Project Assessment Report; and (3) Action Research Project Presentation Assessment Report.

• The Mentor’s Summative Assessment requires that the Mentor rate the Resident’s overall performance based on Stateapproved criteria that are aligned with the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders, and make one of the following recommendations to the State Board of Examiners for Standard Principal Certification:

a) “Approved” for certification — This rating should result in issuance of Standard Principal Certification; however, the District is under no obligation to retain the Resident even though he/she has received a favorable recommendation for certification.

b) “Insufficient” progress manifested — This rating means that the Resident will not be issued Standard Principal’s Certification, but may continue employment and the Residency for up to one year under provisional certification. The District is under no obligation to retain a Resident with this rating, although it may choose to do so.

c) “Disapproved” for certification — This rating means that the Resident will not be issued Standard Principal Certification, will not be retained in the district, and will not be permitted an extended time period as a Resident or seek future employment under provisional certification. • NJ-L2L will transmit the Summative Assessment Report to the NJ Department of Education.

• NOTE: All assessments and interactions between the mentor and Resident are CONFIDENTIAL. Summative Assessment Reports will not be provided to the Resident’s school district or any agency or individual without the written request and consent of the Resident.



Planning for Year 3: New Jersey’s Professional Development Requirements

• At the end of the Year 2 Residency, under the guidance of his/her mentor, the Resident prepares to address New Jersey’s professional development requirement for all school leaders, which was waived during the two-year Residency and will be required in Year 3 of employment.

• In accordance with the New Jersey Professional Learning for School Leaders requirements, all school leaders must identify one or more professional development goals and develop a three-year Professional Growth Plan (PGP), which is based on a self-assessment that is aligned with the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders.

• The professional development goals and PGP must be approved by the school leader’s superintendent and be directly linked to improving teaching and student achievement.

• At the end of three years, the superintendent certifies fulfillment of the PGP to the NJDOE based on evidence presented by the school leader, and the school leader’s professional development goals and PGP will be modified as needed for the next three-year professional development cycle.



Year 2 NJL2L Program Evaluation

• All Residents and mentors are required to complete an online NJ-L2L Year 2 Program Evaluation at the end of Year 2, which will provide data related to NJL2L program design and implementation to inform continuous program improvement. A sampling of participating Districts will also be included in the annual program evaluation.

Follow-Up Study

• NJ-L2L conducts an annual follow-up survey of school leaders who complete the two-year Residency to determine the impact of the Residency on new school leaders’ retention, continuing professional growth, career advancement, and application of school leader practices that effectively address barriers to improve districts/schools, teaching, and student achievement. • School leaders who have completed the Residency may be contacted to participate in online surveys and individual or focus group interviews to collect data, which will be analyzed to inform continuous program improvement and prepare evaluation reports for relevant parties as required.


12-Month Residency

Individuals who hold out-of-state principal certification but do not hold the required master’s degree will be eligible for New Jersey principal certification upon completion of a 12-month mentor-directed Residency completed under provisional certification. The State’s professional development requirement is waived during their 12-month Residency. Within the 12-month Residency period, Residents will complete the requirements for year 2 of the two-year Residency.


Graduate Credit Option

Residents who are interested in obtaining graduate credit for one or both years of their residency (4 graduate credits per year) should consult with their districts when they begin the Residency to determine what documentation the district will accept for reimbursement and/or advancement on the salary guide. The following documentation is available:

• NJL2L transcripts (No transcript fee)

• American Council on Education (ACE) transcripts (No transcript fee)

• Thomas Edison State College (TESC) transcripts ($5 transcript fee plus $50 per credit)

The NJL2L transcript may be requested from Ilsa Abbott at iabbott@njpsa.org upon successful completion of each year of the Residency and submission of all required mentor assessments. The process for ACE and TESC transcripts may be downloaded from www.NJL2L.org.

Interruption of Residency

(1) If a Resident changes districts and/or positions during the 2-year Residency period, he/she will continue the Residency program for standard principal certification without interruption and with the same mentor unless circumstances require a change of mentor. NOTE: If the Resident is appointed to a position requiring school administrator certification, he/she must begin a new Residency for standard school administrator certification, and time completed and fees paid during the Principal Residency cannot be applied to the School Administrator Residency.

(2) If a Resident takes a district-approved leave of absence during the 2-year Residency period, he/she will be credited for all fees paid and time completed and will continue the Residency with the same mentor whenever he/she returns from the leave of absence unless circumstances require a change of mentor.

(3) If a Resident is dismissed or otherwise removed from his/her position by the district during the 2-year Residency period, he/she will be credited for all fees paid and time completed and will continue the Residency with the same mentor whenever he/she is appointed to another position unless circumstances require a change of mentor.

In all cases for (1), (2), and (3) above: (a) credit for the amount of time completed toward the Residency will be applied for no more than two years from the time that employment was interrupted; (b) credit for the registration fee paid by the Resident will be applied for no more than two years from the time that employment was interrupted: (c) a stipend will be paid to the mentor for the number of mentoring contact hours completed prior to the time employment was interrupted, which will be pro-rated based on the number of mentoring contact hours completed and deducted from the registration fee; (d) where a new mentor is assigned, the mentor stipend will be pro-rated based on the number of mentoring contact hours required to be completed; and (e) if the Residency is not resumed within two (2) years from the interruption of employment, the registration fee will not be refunded and the Resident will be responsible for paying the full registration fee when he/she resumes the Residency for the required two-year period.

NOTE: If the Residency is interrupted for any reason pursuant to (1), (2), or (3) above, the District is required to notify NJ-L2L as soon as possible in writing indicating effective date(s). NJ-L2L will notify the NJDOE.