Assembly Education Committee Update

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The Assembly Education Committee met on Thursday, May 10th to consider three bills and two resolutions.  The following legislation was heard and passed unanimously by the Committee:


A557  Requires the adoption of nepotism policies by school districts and charter schools


A2773  Requires State Board of Education high school graduation requirements include instruction on tuition assistance programs and student loan debt; requires high school students to meet with guidance counselor to discuss tuition assistance and dual enrollment


A3501  Directs Department of Agriculture in consultation with DOE to establish online applications for National School Lunch Program and school breakfast programs


AJR32  Designates May of each year as “Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Awareness Month” in New Jersey


AR112  Urges school districts to use USDA MyPlate program and information technology to promote and monitor student nutrition as part of New Jersey Students Learning Standards in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education.

During the Committee hearing, Chairwoman Pamela Lampitt thanked the participants of the three recent hearings on school security, and noted that legislation will be forthcoming as a result of the information collected during those hearings.  NJPSA will monitor any new legislation as it becomes available.  If you have any questions about issues related to legislation or the legislative process, please contact the NJPSA Government Relations Department.