NJLA Series 6 sessions changed to online sessions due to the Coronavirus

  • Cohort 9 – Session 2
    March 18, 2020; 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (Ramapo)
    NEW DATE: May 21, 2020; 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm


  • Cohort 7 – Session 3
    March 25, 2020; 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (FEA)
    NEW DATE: May 26, 2020; 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm


  • Cohort 8 – Session 3
    April 2, 2020; 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (Egg Harbor)
    NEW DATE: June 2, 2020; 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm


  • Cohort 10 – Session 2
    May 20, 2020; 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (FEA)
    NEW TIME: May 20, 2020; 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm


  • Cohort 10 – Session 3
    June 5, 2020; 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (FEA)
    NEW TIME: June 5, 2020; 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

LEADing for an Equitable System of Teaching and Learning

(PSEL 3 – Teacher Leader Domain I)

Who among us would not agree that every child has the right to equitable learning opportunities in his/her school and classrooms? Creating a system that focuses on equity requires a combination of an intentional plan for establishing a rich and inclusive learning environment, a set of expectations that guide the sound implementation of that plan, and ongoing and deep conversations with stakeholders.

  • What structures does a system that emphasizes equitable opportunities for every learner have in place?
  • How do leaders create and maintain a focus on a system in which every learner is provided with the means and resources to achieve success?
  • How do leaders facilitate conversations that lead to the actions that ensure students are thriving together and that those students who have been historically underserved are successful in their educational journey?

Participants in NJLA 6 will engage with a community of learners to consider strategies and actions to build a system in which equity for all students is viewed through the lens of:

  • A system for standards-based curriculum design and implementation in which educators collectively develop and implement curricular and cross-curricular units of study that provide access to rich diverse learning opportunities;
  • An environment that supports and strengthens a belief system that focuses on the integration of social and emotional learning into all facets of school life; and
  • The development of formative assessments that drive the instructional cycle, improve student outcomes, and increase each child’s potential for taking ownership in mastering their learning goals.

NJLA Series 6 Courses

  • Course 1 – Rethinking Curriculum: The Journey Toward a More Equitable Curriculum
  • Course 2 – Social and Emotional Learning: Embedding SEL in the Daily Fabric of School Life
  • Course 3 – Formative Assessment: The Real Driver of Instruction

Dates and registration information

What is NJLA?

  • A cohort-based learning opportunity that sustains learning over three sessions and provides a process for continuous improvement
  • Learning that encourages the sharing of expertise across leadership roles and responsibilities
  • Content connects actionable steps to the core attributes within the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) and the Teacher Leader Model Standards to strengthen leadership skills
  • Sessions developed and presented by current district and school-based practitioners with expertise in the content
  • Fully developed administrator PDPs aligned to the outcomes of the NJLA 6 sessions

Who should attend?

  • Superintendents and assistant superintendents, principals and assistant principals, supervisors, directors, college faculty, teacher leaders — in TEAMS or individually
  • Why attend?
  • NJLA 6 participants will engage in quality, engaging professional learning activities that leaders can apply immediately to their practice. Series 6 topics were selected based on educational priorities currently being discussed at the state and local level and on the identified needs of hundreds of leaders.
  • When?
  • Ten cohorts will be offered for NJLA 6 at FEA and several off-site venues so that you can find the time and location that works best for you and your team.

Sample PDPs – Click on the links below.

Series 6 Curriculum: Three Days of Quality, Sustained, Collaborative Professional Learning

Course 1 – Rethinking Curriculum: The Journey Toward a More Equitable Curriculum

PSEL 4 – Teacher Leader Model Standards Domain IV

Developing a viable standards-based curriculum and ensuring equitable instructional units that engage all students is the focus of high functioning PLCs. As educators use the standards to guide the collaborative development of student learning objectives, each student is provided with greater access to high quality curriculum and instruction. Through this reflective process, curriculum is strengthened, educator practice is enhanced, and engaging learning environments are created that invite students to understand and apply new knowledge leading to success in their educational journey. This session will provide leaders with strategies to answer the following questions:

  • What is curriculum and how should the curriculum drive instruction?
  • How are educators working collaboratively to create an environment that embraces reflective teaching and feedback for learning?
  • How does a standards-based curriculum guide the creation of equitable learning opportunities and support a move to culturally responsive teaching?
  • How do leaders foster collaboration to ensure that the NJSLS are used to create engaging units of study?

Course 2 – Social and Emotional Learning: Embedding SEL in the Daily Fabric of School Life

PSEL 5 – Teacher Leader Model Standards Domain VI

SEL is the cornerstone of a school’s success! It is the heartbeat of a school’s climate and culture for students and adults. Educators recognize that the infusion of social and emotional skills into lessons, activities and daily events helps to build and strengthen respectful and trusting relationships, support student and staff well-being, and promote higher academic achievement. How leaders help staff to embed and model the SEL competencies into instruction creates important connections across the curriculum and ensures authentic learning experiences meet the needs of every child. This session will provide leaders with strategies to answer the following questions:

  • What processes, practices, and supports are being used to ensure the seamless integration of SEL into daily lessons and routines?
  • What learning is taking place to support educators in developing SEL processes for lessons?
  • How are educators modeling the SEL competencies across the school?
  • How do we create a schoolwide environment that nurtures successful SEL competencies in all stakeholders in the schoolwide learning community?
  • How will we know when schools have successfully embedded the competencies?

Course 3 – Formative Assessment: The Real Driver of Instruction

PSEL 4 and 10 – Teacher Leader Model Standards Domain V

Assessment occurs all day, every day, in each classroom. The majority of assessments in our classrooms are assessments for learning. Thus, it is imperative that the assessments we choose to create and use are aligned to the learning objectives we set for students. These assessments can then provide the evidence to determine if the instruction that is taking place is having an impact on the learning of every student. High quality formative assessment focuses on the engagement and motivation of students to learn, the feedback cycles that are built in to respond to student learning outcomes, and the instructional practices that lead to the evidence of learning. This session will provide leaders with strategies to answer the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of assessment and how does it help us to measure the impact of our work?
  • What do we expect from formative assessments?
  • What are formative assessments telling you that you want and need to know about students’ learning needs?
  • How do we support PLCs to create and implement authentic and meaningful assessments?
  • How are assessments being used to deepen student commitment to learning?
  • What does an equitable system of assessment look like?

Choose Your Location. Learn with Your Cohort.

All Cohorts for NJLA 6 have begun. Check this page again soon for information on registering for NJLA 7!

All sessions are from 9 am – 1 pm. Breakfast and lunch are included.

* $450 for three courses.



For more information, please contact Donna McInerney at NJPSA/FEA at (609) 860-1200 or dmcinerney@njpsa.org or Frank Borelli at NJASA at (609) 599-2900 or fborelli@njasa.net.

Testimonials from previous NJLA attendees:

Series 5, Cohort 6

Interactive and multi-dimensional. I learned new content, new instructional strategies, and new perspectives.
– High School Assistant Principal

Series 5, Cohort 6

Interacting and discussing with different colleagues from all over New Jersey to discuss solutions to build the capacity of educators to develop technology-infused instruction.
– Elementary School Assistant Principal

Series 4, Cohort 9

The presenters were knowledgeable and practical. The examples and activities were engaging and can be used and adapted for a variety of goals and situations. The conversations were rich and thought-provoking.
– Elementary School Principal

Series 4, Cohort 3

Focusing on improvement, instruction and standards in teaching was excellent, developing our own actionable items needs list was also great.
– Director of Special Projects