Pension Amendment Gets 2nd Hearing, NJPSA Voices Support For Measure

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NJPSA, in coordination with other public employees groups, was on hand June 20 as the Assembly Judiciary committee held a required public hearing on ACR-109, the resolution to place an amendment on the November ballot that would amend the state constitution to require responsible quarterly pension payments.  The amendment would also establish in the Constitution the right of public employees to pension benefit – allowing employees the right to enforce funding obligations and benefit rights.  The resolution is scheduled for a full Assembly vote on June 27.

June 20 Hearing

Although no vote was taken at the hearing, the public vetting is required before the Senate and Assembly can take final votes to place the question on the ballot in November.  A number of people testified, including representatives from the labor community as well as the business community.

The amendment was approved by both houses of Legislature during the prior Legislative session.  It needs to be approved by a simple majority by August to put the question on the ballot this November.

Both the Senate and Assembly are expected to take final votes on the resolution on June 27 or June 30.  If the resolution passes both houses, it is not subject to a gubernatorial veto and will go on the ballot for voter approval in November.