Chapter 44 Clarification Bill Signed Into Law

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Today, Friday, December 18th, Governor Murphy signed into law S-3045  NJPSA supported this legislation which seeks to clarify the wording and legislative intent of the recently enacted health benefits reform legislation for school employees.  Specifically, the bill clarifies our understanding and the sponsors’ intent that school employees who earn more than $125,000 annually will pay the same amount for the NJ Educators Health Plan as those who earn $125,000, rather than a percentage of salary.  P.L. 2020, c. 44 which went into effect on July 1, 2020 is being implemented for the first time this fall and the open enrollment period is ongoing.  The bill clarifies the employee contribution cap at the top salary levels above $125,000.  The provisions of S-3045, which NJPSA lobbied for, reflect a key goal that NJPSA advocated for during the negotiations for Chapter 44 on behalf of our members.