Action Alert!  Weigh in on Educator Evaluation!

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NJPSA has been actively engaged in policy discussions this summer on the issue of educator evaluation reform.  In addition to a member survey in the spring, NJPSA hosted an internal member focus group on July 31st to discuss areas for policy changes in our current evaluation system.  Our work is well underway with the goal of providing policy recommendations to the NJ Educator Evaluation Task Force who must develop a report by September 30th.

Given this short timeline, NJPSA urges you to directly participate in the process by sharing your thoughts with the Task Force including your recommendations on the use of SGOs in evaluation and any potential alternative to SGOs that will still show student growth within an educator’s evaluation.  

On August 28, 2024, theNew Jersey’s Educator Evaluation Review Task Force will host a virtual hearing from 4-6 p.m. to gather input from educators, families, students and other stakeholders on the issues being studied by the task force.   The New Jersey Department of Education announced this hearing  in an advisory.  NJPSA members can also submit written comments to the NJ Educator Evaluation Task Force by August 30, 2024.

How to Participate

  • Testify at August 28th Virtual Hearing

Individuals interested in providing public testimony may register for the hearing (see details below). Registration is required by Aug. 26, 2024, at 5 p.m. 

Anyone seeking to provide public testimony should also submit a written statement via email.  Please note that there are limited speaking slots left so you may need to participate through written testimony.

Registration: Attendees must register here.
Note: Individuals will have up to three minutes to provide testimony.

Logistics:  A link will be emailed to all registrants before the hearing.

  •  Submit Written Comments

If you are unable to virtually testify, NJPSA encourages you to submit written comments directly to the Task Force.  You may submit written testimony via email.  

Your comments are due by August 30th!!

  • Focus  for Testimony


  1. 2024, Chapter 26 defines the mission of the NJ Educator Evaluation Task Force to consider the current context of our educator evaluation system for teachers, principals, and vice/assistant principals in the current context of our schools and develop a report with recommendations that: 
  • Identifies areas for improvement in the system
  • Examines the educational value, administrative burden, and impacts on teachers, principals and assistant principals on the use of SGOs in annual summative evaluations
  • Identifies potential alternative approaches to the use of SGOs in evaluation, and 
  • Identifies best practices and policy recommendations to update or modify the evaluation system created by the TEACH NJ law, P.L. 2012, c. 26 (C. 18A:6-117 et seq.)

Thank you for taking the time to share your views with the Task Force!