Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA)
Mission Statement
FEA, an independent non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation, was founded in 1985 to provide professional learning for the 8,800 members of the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association. FEA is recognized for providing high quality professional learning to educators to improve student achievement throughout New Jersey. Its mission is to promote sustained professional growth, support research-based practices, and enhance learning for teachers and leaders for the purpose of equity and continuous school improvement.
About FEA
The Foundation for Educational Administration, Inc. (FEA) is the professional learning division of the NJPSA. Committed to providing its members with sustained, coherent professional growth, FEA supports research-based practices and enhances the spectrum of leadership for the purpose of continuous school improvement. Through workshops conducted at the FEA Conference Center and regional locations, in-district workshops, online courses, the annual Fall Conference, the New Jersey Leadership Academy, and other professional learning programs, FEA addresses critical and emerging issues in educational leadership and provides the training administrators need to excel and grow in their profession.
FEA also houses three important NJPSA programs: LEGAL ONE, the leading provider of school law training for educators; NJEXCEL, an innovative state-approved program that provides alternatives to the traditional graduate coursework required for supervisor certification and the master’s degree in educational administration that has been required for principal and school administrator certification; and NJ Leaders to Leaders (NJL2L), a state-approved comprehensive mentoring and induction program for new school leaders that provides trained mentors and a range of continuing professional learning programs and services to support new school leaders in the successful completion of the state-required two-year Residency for Standard Principal Certification.