NJPSA, in conjunction with NJSBA, testified on proposed changes to the current superintendent salary cap. The Association raised concerns with the cap’s impact on schools, arguing for its outright elimination. Nonetheless, the Association also stated that the proposed changes are at least a step in the right direction.
NJPSA argued against the cap generally, indicating that it has led to the exodus of a number of qualified school leaders creating instability within the school community. The Association also argued that cost controls already exist.
In addition, NJPSA stated that the cap has led to an increasing large amount of interim superintendents (estimated at around 40 percent) who limit school continuity planning. Beyond the immediate impact, however, NJPSA said that the cap has limited the career ladder of school employees – further limiting instructional leadership in schools. NJPSA was not alone in raising concerns. NJSBA also called for the elimination of the cap.
Nonetheless, the Association recognized that the State may be unwilling to outright eliminate the cap, and as such, the changes move in the right direction by increasing flexibility.