With all the demands placed upon our school administrators in the 21st century educational arena, it is now more important than ever that certified, qualified, and experienced principals, directors, and superintendents are trained and made available as mentors.
New Jersey mandates a two-year residency program for all newly appointed principals, assistant principals, and directors. The FEA (Foundation for Educational Administration) is currently sole provider of a Principal Residency Program through its New Jersey Leader-to-Leaders (NJ L2L) program, which is approved and sanctioned by the New Jersey Department of Education.
NJ L2L provides mentors for new administrator residents who offer continual feedback in a trusting and supportive relationship that focuses on enhancing the residents’ readiness for the challenges of their school leader positions, and supporting their continuing professional growth to meet the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders (PSEL).
Currently employed school leaders and retired school leaders who hold New Jersey standard principal certification and have at least five years of experience as a principal and/or director in New Jersey public schools are eligible to be mentors.
Becoming a Mentor
Interested applicants can visit www.NJL2L.org to upload his/her resume and application. Once reviewed and approved by the NJL2L Coordinator, applicants will be invited to attend a State-required NJ L2L Mentor training. Upon completion, the NJ L2L Coordinator pairs trained mentors and school leaders based on the administrative experience of the mentor related to: types of positions held, district/community types, and school types. In accordance with State requirements, mentors complete regular assessment reports for each Resident based on their ongoing observations, formal conferences and interactions with the resident, and the mentor’s review.
For further information, please contact Jim Sarto, NJ L2L Coordinator, at
jsarto@njpsa.org or (609) 860-1200, or visit www.NJL2L.org.