The yearly New Jersey legislative budget process begins with public hearings where any member of the general public can present testimony to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee or the Assembly Budget Committee. In recent history, the agreed arrangement is that the Assembly Budget Committee holds its public hearings in the State House in order to provide a centrally accessible space for public testimony. The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee then holds its hearings in locations in other areas of the state to provide better accessibility to those unable to travel to the central Trenton location. This year will be the same. As members of the public, this is an opportunity for you to discuss the impacts of proposed state aid and potential aid reductions on your schools and your district. It is important to bring these concerns to the attention of legislators and staff at this time, before the committees get into reports and hearings on the various departments of government that will take up the remainder of the hearing process. The following dates and times have been confirmed as of Friday morning, March 14:
The Assembly Budget Committee will meet:
Wednesday, March 19 at 9:30am (more info and to observe:
Tuesday, March 25 at 9:30am (more info and to observe:
Both will be held in the State House Annex, Committee Room 11
The Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee will meet:
Wednesday, March 26 at 10am, at the New Jersey Institute of Technology Campus Center Atrium, 150 Bleeker Street, Newark, NJ 07102 (more info and to observe:
Thursday, April 10 at 10am, location to be announced (more info when available:
You can also always keep an eye on the legislative calendar for additional hearing dates and anything else related to the legislature at