NJPSA Weighs In on Sup Cap Legislation

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NJSPA, in addition to her sister stakeholders, weighed in, in support of legislation,S-1987 (Ruiz), before the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee February 9.  The legislation moved out of committee largely along party lines. The […]

Governor Announces SDA Nomination

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Governor Chris Christie announced the nomination of Richard L. Elbert, AIA, Esq. to the Schools Development Authority February 9.   Elbert has extensive expertise in the construction industry as a registered architect.  He also possess […]

Governor Signs Epi-Pen Legislation

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Legislation, S801 / A304 (O'Toole / Turner / Russo / Rumana / Caride), that would require schools to maintain supply of epinephrine and permit administration of epinephrine to any student having anaphylactic reaction was […]