Member Discounts
NJPSA members have access to many outstanding member discount programs. Below are the companies that currently provide services to our members. If you are a member, you can log into the members section and you will be able to view all the information regarding the services these companies provide to you.
NJPSA members receive a 15% discount. Login to get your discount promotion code.
Barnes and Noble offers K-12 educators and librarians a 20% discount off the publisher’s list price of most hardcover and paperback books for use in the classroom. This discount is only for in-store purchases. Visit any participating store and ask for the form. You must provide valid proof of employment.
NJPSA members have the opportunity to enroll for the Brooks Brothers Corporate Membership Card, which will give you a 15% savings on regular price merchandise at brooks Brothers U.S. and Canadian stores, by phone, or online at Login to find out more about this NJPSA member benefit and for the applicable codes.
Buyer’s Edge is a buying service that offers all NJPSA members a “Low Price Guarantee” on many major purchases such as appliances, TV’s, cars, furniture, kitchen cabinets, home security, real estate and much more… 20 plus additional member benefits! Login for more info and the NJPSA group number and password.
There are exclusive long-term care insurance discounts available to NJPSA members. Login for more information.
NEW SOCIAL SECURITY RULES! NJPSA members can Maximize their Social Security Pension under the new Social Security Rules… Learn how the New Social Security Rules impact your Social Security Pension at
Nationwide offers pet insurance to NJPSA members at a 5% discount. Visit any veterinarian — even specialists and emergency providers. Find a plan to fit your needs and your budget.
Saving is easy with Six Flags and NJPSA. This online benefit program offers not only substantial savings, but allows you to “print and go” so you have your ticket in hand when you get to the park with no waiting in line to purchase tickets. Login for more information and for the user name and password.
A cost free benefit providing you access to thousands of exclusive entertainment and travel discounts.