Leading with Intention: Celebrating Momentum
The 10th year of the New Jersey Leadership Academy builds on and celebrates the momentum created by thousands of instructional leaders across the state who have placed an emphasis on supporting the learning of every student. Despite the myriad of priorities leaders find themselves facing, NJ educational leaders have be-come adept at intentionally building strong relationships with students, staff, and families; maintaining a focus on the skills they need to become strong, supportive leaders; and assisting in learning design that ensures the success of each student, socially and academically. Leaders who lead with intentionality recognize that the journey of continuous improvement must be constantly communicated, reinforced, and nudged, if not propelled, forward, resulting in momentum for success.
In NJLA Series 10, we will challenge you to reconsider and clarify your purpose as an in-structional leader, set actionable goals and communicate them effectively, grow advocacy skills that support students’ needs, reflect on past experiences to make important student-centered decisions, and empower students, staff, and families to partner in creating equitable learning opportunities.
Register Today!
NJLA Series 10 Sessions
Session 1 – Creating Impact: Forging Strong Relationships
(PSEL Standards 5, 7, 8; Model Teacher Leader Standard Domain VI)
Effective instructional leaders understand that relationships that are intentionally built with staff, students, and families serve as the foundation for creating
an environment that nurtures student growth, engagement, and success. A positive school culture, characterized by mutual respect, open communication, and collaboration, invites all students into a learning space where they are encouraged to take risks, share ideas, and seek assistance. Strong relationships are an important aspect of building a comprehensive network of supports that meets the needs of all students and sets both behavioral and academic expectations. During this session participants will answer the following questions:
During this session participants will answer the following questions:
- How do we foster a culture of trust, respect, and empathy within the school community?
- How do we create opportunities for meaningful interactions and relationships among students, staff, and families?
- How might we build common ground and engage in courageous conversations?
- What are the actions and expectations that thrive in a culture where strong relationships are a priority?
Session 2 – Reimagining Instructional Leadership: Cultivating Collaboration and Building Capacity
(PSEL Standards 1, 2; Model Teacher Leader Standard Domain VII)
It is time for leaders to reimagine instructional leadership. Effective instructional leaders must transform traditional roles and responsibilities to become inclusive and focused on fostering a culture of shared leadership, growth, and collegiality among all stakeholders. Leaders in this environment share responsibility and accountability by aligning actions to a shared vision, collaborating on goal-setting and meeting outcomes, tapping into the expertise of others as decisions are made, and providing structures and processes that promote distributed leadership and encourage diverse perspectives. This approach relies on celebrations of accomplishments while also strengthening practice and improving student outcomes.
During this session participants will answer the following questions:
- What is your vision for instructional leadership, and how does it align with the goals and mission of the school/district?
- What changes can be made to traditional roles and responsibilities?
- What structures will facilitate a climate that fosters shared leadership, collaborative decision-making, and capacity-building?
- How will you incorporate your mission, vision, and moral imperatives to engage in courageous conversations to build reimagined instructional leadership, and how will the actions be assessed?
Session 3 – Designing the Learning: Focusing on Student Engagement and Empowerment
(PSEL Standards 4, 5, 6; Model Teacher Leader Standards Domain IV and VI)
Instructional leaders play a crucial role in creating a culture in which all students thrive academically and socially. In collaboration with teacher teams and other education specialists, they focus on creating processes or frameworks that scaffold concepts, ideas, and learning targets for each student. By supporting teachers in developing experiences that engage all students in authentic and relevant learning and empowering their voice in that process, they build their capacity and expertise to inform and sustain robust instructional practices. Together with other educators, they model new academic concepts and focus on collective understanding and implementation of equitable practices that ensure success for all students.During this session participants will answer the following questions:
- What are frameworks that support learning experiences, and how can leaders use them?
- How can leaders ensure that all students have access to universal supports?
- What decisions need to be made about content, structure, timing, pedagogical strategies, sequence of learning activities, the type and frequency of assessments used, and the nature of the technology utilized to support all learners?
What is NJLA?
- A cohort-based learning opportunity that sustains learning over three sessions and provides a process for continuous improvement
- Professional learning that encourages the sharing of expertise across leadership roles and responsibilities
- Content that connects actionable steps to the core attributes within the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders and the Teacher Leader Model Standards to strengthen leadership skills
- Sessions developed and presented by current district and school-based practitioners with expertise in the content
Who should attend?
Superintendents and assistant superintendents, principals and assistant principals, supervisors, directors, college faculty, teacher leaders — in TEAMS or individually.
Why attend?
NJLA 10 participants will engage in quality, engaging professional learning activities that leaders can apply immediately to their practice. Series 10 topics were selected based on educational priorities currently being discussed at the state and local level and on the identified needs of hundreds of leaders.
Ten cohorts will be offered for NJLA 10. Initial cohorts will be virtual. Planning is underway to offer a few cohorts as face-to-face in early 2024. Teams and individuals will be able to select the session structure that meets their needs.
Registration Information
NJLA 10 sessions will be held synchronously online or in-person at FEA on the dates listed below. You MUST register for the three-day academy, choose a date and take Session 1 first, and then complete Sessions 2 and 3 in either order. All sessions are 9 am – 1 pm.
$450 for three courses (sessions)
Register Today!
Session 1 – Creating Impact: Forging Strong Relationships
- Sep. 20, 2023 (Zoom)
- Oct. 5, 2023 (Zoom)
- Oct. 19, 2023 (Zoom)
- Nov. 1, 2023 (in-person)
- Nov. 27, 2023 (Zoom)
Session 2 – Reimagining Instructional Leadership: Cultivating Collaboration and Building Capacity
- Oct. 16, 2023 (Zoom)
- Oct. 25, 2023 (Zoom)
- Nov. 13, 2023 (Zoom)
- Nov. 29, 2023 (in-person)
- Dec. 18, 2023 (Zoom)
Session 3 – Designing the Learning: Focusing on Student Engagement and Empowerment
- Nov. 3, 2023 (Zoom)
- Nov. 16, 2023 (Zoom)
- Dec. 13, 2023 (Zoom)
- Dec. 19, 2023 (in-person)
- Jan. 11, 2024 (Zoom)
Sample Professional Development Plans (PDPs)
- Chief School Administrator Template and Sample PDP
- Director Administrator Goal Form
- Principal/Assistant Principal Administrator Goal Form
- Supervisor Administrator Goal Form
Related Links and Resources
- FEA’s PSEL Tool and Professional Standards for Educational Leaders
- Professional Standards for Educational Leaders
- Teacher Leader Model Standards
For more information, please contact Vicki Duff at NJPSA/FEA at (609) 860-1200 or vduff@njpsa.org or Frank Borelli at NJASA at (609) 599-2900 or fborelli@njasa.net.
Testimonials from previous NJLA attendees:
Interactive and multidimensional – I learned new content, new instructional strategies, and new perspectives
– Assistant Principal, High School, Series 5, Cohort 6
Interacting and discussing with different colleagues from all over NJ to discuss solutions to build the capacity of educators to develop technology-infused instruction.
– Assistant Principal, Elementary, Series 5, Cohort 6