Promises to Keep: Building on the Cornerstones of Student Success

Learn together and lead together! NJLA 9 invites YOU to attend three dynamic learning sessions to enhance your instructional leadership skills, learn with and from colleagues across the state, and prepare to advocate for school communities that embrace inclusiveness, collaboration, and quality instruction. YOU are the leaders who will make a difference!

How do instructional leaders make good on the promises we have made to a generation of students so they thrive in a society that is often in constant flux?

A pandemic, national events and politics, and international conflict have played a huge role in disrupting the educational system over the past three years. However, these events demanded we open ourselves to new thinking and new solutions. Educators met that demand without hesitation.

Our promise, as instructional leaders, must be to continue to innovate instruction to support each student, transform the climate and culture to be one of acceptance and safety, and continually collaborate to build upon and create structures to sustain robust and healthy inclusive school communities. The three sessions of the New Jersey Leadership Academy Series 9 will expand upon leaders’ expertise to ensure every student’s right to learn is met. 

Register Today!

NJLA Series 9 Sessions

NJLA9 Session 1 multicolor keyboard inclusive image

Session 1: Leading Within the Inclusive School

(PSEL Standards 3 and 5 Teacher Leader Domain VI)

A PROMISE WE PLEDGE TO KEEP: In our schools every student, family member, and staff member IS VALUED AND RESPECTED for what they bring to the school community.

Schools today are models for creating a culture of staff, student, and family agency – listening to and acting upon the voices and needs of stakeholders. Instructional leaders will engage in multiple opportunities for discussion and application of new strategies as they answer key questions:
How do leaders create, support, and sustain inclusive school communities?

  • How do leaders create, support, and sustain inclusive school communities?
  • How do we ensure all stakeholders are engaged and valued in the inclusive school community?
  • How are we systematically addressing student behaviors to promote a culture of belonging?

Additional Book Resources to Support Learning in Session 1: Belonging Through a Culture of Dignity by Floyd Cobb and John Krownapple

NJLA9 Session 2 teamwork mountain climbing image

Session 2: The Power of Together We Can

(PSEL Standards 3 and 7 Teacher Leader Domain I)

A PROMISE WE PLEDGE TO KEEP: In our schools shared leadership DRIVES staff to take collective action and responsibility for all students to enjoy access to and opportunity for an equitable learning environment.

Schools and districts advocate for robust instruction and collaborate in meaningful decision making processes. Instructional leaders will engage in multiple opportunities for discussion and application of new strategies as they answer key questions:

Participants in this session will be supported in:

  • How will shared leadership strengthen the layers of an inclusive, collaborative culture?
  • How do we encourage and sustain the mindsets of flexibility, purpose, commitment, and courage that were evident in the last two years?
  • How do we reimagine collective leadership norms and rebuild community and trust amongst all staff across a district?

Additional Book Resources to Support Learning in Session 2: The New School Rules by Anthony Kim and Alexis Gonzalez-Black

NJLA9 Session 3 learning collage image

Session 3: Making Learning Leaps a Reality

(PSEL Standards 3 and 4 Teacher Leader Domain IV)

A PROMISE WE PLEDGE TO KEEP: In our schools a standards-based curriculum is collaboratively DEVELOPED AND IMPLEMENTED to foster deep student learning.

Students are provided grade level instruction and assessment that is scaffolded to successfully meet their learning needs. Instructional leaders will engage in multiple opportunities for discussion and application of new strategies as they answer key questions:

  • How do we embrace mutual accountability for student learning?
  • How can we integrate the social, emotional, and academic structures to ensure that the learning needs of each student are met?
  • What data should we use to maximize the growth of all students? What questions should we use to uncover learning gaps?

Additional Book Resources to Support Learning in Session 3: Street Data by Shane Safir and Jamila Dugan

What is NJLA?

  • A professional learning opportunity that sustains learning over three sessions and provides a process for continuous improvement
  • Learning that encourages the sharing of expertise across leadership roles and responsibilities
  • Content connects actionable steps to the core attributes within the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) and the Teacher Leader Model Standards to strengthen leadership skills
  • Sessions developed and presented by current district and school-based practitioners with expertise in the content
  • Fully developed administrator PDPs aligned to the outcomes of the NJLA 9 sessions

Who should attend?

Superintendents and assistant superintendents, principals and assistant principals, supervisors, directors, college faculty, teacher leaders — in TEAMS or individually

Why attend?

NJLA 9 participants will engage in quality, engaging professional learning activities that leaders can apply immediately to their practice. Series 9 topics were selected based on educational priorities currently being discussed at the state and local level and on the identified needs of hundreds of leaders.

Registration Information

NJLA 9 sessions will be held synchronously online on the dates listed below. You MUST register for the three-day academy, choose a date and take Session 1 first, and then complete Sessions 2 and 3 in either order. All sessions are 9 am – 1 pm.

Register Today!

Session 1: Leading Within the Inclusive School

  • Jan. 18, 2023
  • Feb. 6, 2023
  • Feb. 15, 2023
  • Mar. 29, 2023

Session 2: The Power of Together We Can

  • Feb. 2, 2023
  • Feb. 24, 2023
  • Mar. 16, 2023
  • Apr. 25, 2023

Session 3: Making Learning Leaps a Reality

  • Jan. 31, 2023
  • Feb. 28, 2023
  • Mar. 20, 2023
  • Apr. 18, 2023
  • May 19, 2023

Sample Professional Development Plans (PDPs)

Related Links and Resources

For more information, please contact Vicki Duff at NJPSA/FEA at (609) 860-1200 or or Frank Borelli at NJASA at (609) 599-2900 or

Testimonials from previous NJLA attendees:

NJLA 8 Accelerating Learning

This presentation exposed me to different avenues to explore, reflect on, and think about in my own building AND in conversations at a district level. I think that my next step is to evaluate the learning opportunities offered in my building and ensure tiered supports are in place.
– District Director of Curriculum

NJLA 8 Engaging Families

One mindset shift that I feel is necessary is working together with families to access the needs of the school community. This will increase engagement and involvement for all!
Thank you to our presenters, this was great!!
– Elementary Assistant Principal

NJLA 8 Culturally Responsive Practices

I would like to call out microaggressions in my building and school community. I liked the sheet with helpful tips to do this, especially rephrasing/repeating what was said. This gives the aggressor a chance to hear what they said and re-think/re-shape/take back what was said. Know better, do better! Thank you!
– Middle School Principal