The New Jersey State Board of Education met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. During the meeting, the State Board welcomed newly appointed Acting Commissioner Kevin Dehmer to preside over his first official meeting as Acting Commissioner.
During their March meeting, the State Board adopted a Resolution in Recognition of Gifted and Talented Students Month in New Jersey, as well as a Resolution in Recognition of Social and Emotional Learning Day In New Jersey. Superintendent Katrina McCombs came before the State Board to provide an annual report of the State Operated School District of Camden.
The State Board received a presentation from the NJDOE Division of Field Support and Services on Chapter 12, Interdistrict Public School Choice. The State Board voted to approve for publication in the New Jersey Register the proposed readoption with amendments repeals, and new rules at N.J.A.C. 6A:12, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36B-14 through 24.
The State Board also received a presentation from the NJDOE Division of Finance and Business Services on Chapter 23A, Fiscal Accountability, Efficiency, and Budgeting Procedures. The State Board voted to approve approve for publication in the New Jersey Register the proposed readoption with amendments to the rules at N.J.A.C.6A:23A, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:4-15, 18A:36A-18, 18A:36C-7, 18A:36C-7, and 18A:46-15.
Finally, the State Board received a presentation from the NJDOE Division of Field Support and Services on a Resolution pertaining to the Religious Holidays Calendar. The State Board discussed the resolution, and will take public testimony on this topic on April 3rd.
The State Board will meet again on April 3rd. Public Testimony will be taken at that time on
Religious holidays and Student Residency. Anyone who would like to speak during a public testimony session may reserve time by registering online (once on Calendar of Events page, scroll down to find the date for the public testimony session and click on that link) or calling the State Board office at 609-376-9071. Please note that space and time are limited, and registration closes at noon on the Thursday prior to the meeting. Your NJPSA Government Relations team is available to help facilitate your registration and/or draft testimony if you are interested in participating in a public testimony session.
For further information about any of the State Board of Education’s Agenda items, please visit the DOE website.