Update from the NJDOE State Board of Education 

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On Wednesday, June 16th the State Board of Education held its monthly meeting.  During the meeting, the NJDOE Division of Academics and Performance reported on the Interim Assessment Data Collection from districts. The goal of the Interim Assessment Data Collection was to provide a snapshot of mid-year student learning, determine the percentage of students in each grade level/content area that are below grade level, on grade level, or above grade level, and help target interventions to meet the needs of all students, especially vulnerable student groups. NJDOE discouraged the State Board members from making comparisons between the Interim Assessment Data and other, different data collections regarding student performance (such as NJSLA or other statewide assessments). Cautioning that this data is only a “particular story from a particular period of time”, the Department explained that these assessments serve a different purpose and were administered under different conditions..  Dr. Lisa Gleason, presenting, said the results are “a critical starting point in supporting our districts,” and said local school leaders will be able to use the results to help target their planning. Despite these guiding comments, several State Board members attempted to compare the assessment data to prior test scores, something Acting Commissioner Allen-McMillan cautioned as inappropriate and invalid.  View the Department’s presentation here.  


The State Board also approved 2021-2022 State Board of Education meeting dates, bid farewell to outgoing Permanent Student Representative, Sabrina Capoli, thanking her for her service during this most unusual school year, and welcomed newly appointed Assistant Commissioner of the Division of Field Services, Dr. Jordan Schiff. Dr. Schiff will officially join the Department on July 19th.