Education reform is here and with so many changes on the event horizon – we need your voice at the table! These reforms will directly affect all of us. In order to best respond to the myriad proposals on the horizon, NJPSA is seeking your vital input!
Serve as the primary policy development area, these committees function on a recurring basis.
❒ Critical Issues: (Debra Bradley & Jennie Lamon, Staff Liaisons)
Provides in-depth exploration of specific emerging policy issues impacting the profession and its members. Committee develops policy positions to be taken by the Association.
❒ Legislative: (Debra Bradley & Jennie Lamon, Staff Liaisons)
Develops recommendations for association policy on pending legislative issues. Examine and analyze legislation and code proposals. Committee recommends positions to be taken by the Association.
❒ Retirement: (Robert Murphy, Staff Liaison)
Focuses on the needs of our retired membership, this committee explores issues associated with pensions and health benefits.
Whether you’re a new or seasoned school leader, it is essential that school aedeses have a safe place to share ideas, get meaningful feedback and develop strategies to confront the issues that school leaders share. Centered around school level, these committees may also incorporate appropriate professional development activities.
❒ Elementary Level Education (Robert Murphy, Liaison)
❒ Middle Level Education
❒ Secondary Level Education
Focused on a particular area of policy, these committees may meet in concert with existing outside professional associations and groups or in concert with professional development activities.
❒ Early Childhood Education: (Mary Reece, Liaison)
Partnering with Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ), this committee will focus on recommending statewide policies and NJPSA activities that promote the maintenance and expansion of quality early childhood education programs.
❒ Special Education: (John Worthington, Liaison)
Responsive to the professional needs of special educators and students, this committee will provide a platform for sharing ideas around current issues in special education.
❒ Multilingual Learners: (formerly known as English Language Learners (Mary Reece, Staff Liaison) Focused on the unique needs of Multilingual Learners, this committee also recommends statewide policies and NJPSA activities that enhance the quality of instruction for this special population.
❒ Gifted Education: (Mary Beth Currie, Staff Liaison)
Review current & emerging issues related to the selection and instruction of students who are identified as Gifted & Talented. The committee will recommend statewide policies and NJPSA activities that will maintain and/or enhance the quality of instructions for students who are identified at Gifted.
❒ Mental Health & Wellness: (David Nash, & Geta Vogel, Staff Liaisons)
Provide input on professional learning needs of school leaders and other stakeholders; Promote mindfulness and self-care for school leaders; Raise awareness on legal requirements, best practices and the latest research related to student and staff mental health; Provide input when requested by NJPSA’s Government Relations team on proposed legislation
Please let us know your ideas for committees that would meet your interest and needs.
❒ I would be interested in being a member of a committee focused on:
Gain a better understanding of the changes affecting you and your profession while networking and sharing ideas with colleagues. Consider signing up for an NJPSA Committee today. Contact Stacy Barksdale-Jones at