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2021 NJPSA/FEA/NJASCD Fall Conference
Don’t miss out on our free, half-day virtual conference sponsored by Lexia Learning on Zoom on October 15, 2021. The theme for this event will be REIMAGINE!
Conference Highlights
Highlights of this event will include a keynote address by Robyn Jackson, Ph.D. We will also honor our Visionary Award Winners: Dr. Kwame Morton, Visionary Principal of the Year Secondary Level; Annie Corley-Hand, Visionary Principal of the Year, Elementary Level; Emily Bonilla, Visionary Assistant Principal of the Year; and Kelly Harmon, Visionary Supervisor/Director of the Year. More details on the program will be available soon.
Visionary Awards Ceremony
Keynote Presentations

Robyn Jackson, Ph.D.
Robyn R. Jackson, Ph.D. is passionate about building better schools. As the CEO of Mindsteps® Inc., she has helped thousands of K–12 administrators and teachers develop the clarity and confidence to turn their classrooms and schools into success stories, most recently through her Builder’s Lab workshops and her online training program, Buildership University.
A former National Board–Certified high school English teacher and an award-winning middle school administrator, Dr. Jackson is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and consultant who has worked in schools and districts worldwide to help teachers and administrators develop rigorous instructional programs that provide students with the support and motivation they need to reach or exceed the standards. Dr. Jackson is also the author of several acclaimed books, including Never Work Harder Than Your Students and Other Principles of Great Teaching, Never Underestimate Your Teachers: Instructional Leadership for Excellence in Every Classroom, and How to Motivate reluctant Learners.
Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.
Reverend DeForest Blake “Buster” Soaries, Jr. is a Baptist minister, author and public advocate, from Montclair, New Jersey. From 1999 to 2002, Dr. Soaries served as New Jersey’s Secretary of State, making him the first African-American male to do so. He also served as the former chairman of the United States Election Assistance Commission, which was established by Congress to implement the “Help America Vote Act” of 2002. Additionally, he is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in Somerset, New Jersey, a position he has held since November 1990.
The conference is free but you must register.
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