Deciphering the NJDOE Eval Waiver Process

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In recent discussion with members it has become apparent that there is confusion around what options districts have to apply for a “waiver” or “equivalency determination” of current regulation associated with evaluation.  Districts seeking […]

Survivors Guide Materials

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Death Notification Checklist Health Benefits Fact Sheet Life-TPAF Certificate of Insurance Location of Vital Documents Location of Vital Documents 2 Location of Vital Documents 3 Monthly Budget Organizations You or Your Spouse Wish to […]

Bullying: Spreading the Blame

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This article was written by Robert M. Schwartz, Chief Counsel, NJPSA.             When faced with a lawsuit brought by parents on behalf of a student who has been bullied, can a […]

NJPSA PARCC Survey Analysis

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On Friday, March 28, NJPSA distributed a survey to its members whose schools/districts took part in the PARCC pilot testing, asking for feedback on their experience, with a particular focus on technology. This survey […]