Start Strong Letter

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Hon. Angelica Allen-McMillan, Ed.D. Acting Commissioner of Education State of New Jersey Department of Education 100 Riverview Plaza PO Box 500 Trenton NJ 08625-0500   August 9, 2022   Dear Acting Commissioner Allen-McMillan:   […]

Legislative Wrap Up Week of January 25, 2021

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Several education-related bills advanced this week as the NJ State Senate convened for a Voting Session and the General Assembly Education Committee held a hearing.  NJPSA’s Director of Government Relations Debra Bradley Esq. along […]

Chapter 44 Clarification Bill Signed Into Law

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  Today, Friday, December 18th, Governor Murphy signed into law S-3045  NJPSA supported this legislation which seeks to clarify the wording and legislative intent of the recently enacted health benefits reform legislation for school […]